Phrases for Your Trip to Italy
Basic italian words and phrases for travelers to Italy with pronunciation, for the discus between you and the locals,
I advise you to study the main words and phrases, after that you will be more comfortable.
- Buongiorno (bwohn-johr-noh) – Hello/Good morning
- Buon pomeriggio (bwon po-meh-reej-joh) – Good afternoon
- Buonosera (bwoh-nah-seh-rah) – Good evening
- Arrivederci (ahr-ree-veh-dehr-chee) – Goodbye (formal)
- Ciao (chee-ah-oh) – Hello/Goodbye (informal)
- Salve (sahl-veh) – Hello/Goodbye (informal)
- Buonanotte (bwoh-nah-noht-teh) – Goodnight (informal)
General Phrases & Pleasantries
- Sì (see) - Yes
- No (noh) - No
- My name is (Mi chiamo) - Mee key-amo - My name is
- Per favore (pehr fah-voh-reh) - Please
- Grazie (grah-tsee-eh) – Thank you
- Prego (preh-goh) – You’re welcome
- Scusa (skooh-zah) – I’m sorry/Excuse me

- Parla inglese? (pahr-lah een-gleh-zeh) – Do you speak English?
- Cosa? (koh-sah) – What?
- Quando? (kwahn-doh) – When?
- Chi? (kee) – Who?
- Dove? (doh-veh) – Where?
- Perché? (pehr-keh) – Why?
- Come? (koh-meh) – How?
- Quanto? (kwanh-toh) – How much?
Foods & Drinks
- Acqua (ahk-koo-ah) - Water
- Pane (pah-neh) - Bread
- Formaggio (fohr-mahj-joh) - Cheese
- Carne (kahr-neh) - Fish
- Gelato (jeh–lah–toh) - Ice cream
- Verdura (vehr-doo-reh) - Vegetables
- Vino (vee-noh) - Wine)
- Colazione (koh-lah-tsee-oh-neh) - Breakfast
- Pranzo (prahn-tsoh) - Lunch
- Cena (cheh-nah) - Dinner
- Buon appetito - Enjoy your meal
Hotels & Apartments
Booking.comWish you a wonderful holiday in the eternal city!!