Best Salons in Rome, hairstylists
We have collected the best salons in Rome, with the highest reviews on google map from 4,5 to 5,0, we will add new salons weekly.
Haircut costs €25 - €35, check the price list of services in salons in our article prices in Rome.
→ 7 Days in Rome Itinerary
Best Rome's Salons
only highest reviews
Federico Salon Roma
Federico Salon is an english-speaking salon located in the heart of Rome’s historic center, Via Laurina, 11.
Noi Salon
Noi Salon located at two addresses, Piazza del Popolo 3 and Via Gian Giacomo Porro 16,
Element Salon
An American salon in the heart of Rome, Via di S. Girolamo della Carità, 67.
Leopardi Hairdressing
Emiliano Leopardi is a hairstylist from Rome, Vicolo delle Grotte, 26.
Gerardo Russillo Lab
Cutting Woman, Cut Man and full service. Via Principessa Clotilde, 7.
Giorgio Nardi
Salon located in Trieste, presents full service. Via di S. Costanza, 7.
Dama Beauty Salon
Cutting Woman, Cut Man and full service. Via dell'Orso, 79.
Meltin' Multiethnic Beauty Salon
High service, woman and man hair cutting. Via Spoleto, 8.
Hair Art Aound
Cutting Woman, Cut Man, full service. Via dei Cappellari, 87.
De Luca Coiffeur
Located in one of the main street in Rome, Via del Corso, 160.
Necci Hairstyle
Cutting Woman, Cut Man & full service. Via Frattina, 38.
Franco & Cristiano Russo Parrucchiere
Full services of beauty salon, man and woman cuttung. Via Frattina, 99.
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